It is common for traumatic brain injury (TBI) victims to experience feelings of loneliness and isolation after their injury. One of the contributing factors to those feelings of desperation is not being able to do the activities they enjoyed before their injury. Activities such as work, sports, reading and socializing with friends can be extremely challenging for someone dealing with a TBI.
Unfortunately, some TBI patients turn to substance abuse as a method of dealing with their injury. Resorting to illegal drugs and alcohol is never a smart decision for anyone, but TBI victims put themselves at a particular high risk of further injury in the following ways:
- Drug and alcohol use can lead to a seizure for a TBI victim
- TBI victims lessen their chances for a good recovery by using drugs and alcohol
- A brain injury causes difficulty in walking, thinking and concentration – drugs and alcohol make it worse
- Substance abuse can lead to depression
- Abusing drugs and alcohol could lead to another TBI
- Alcohol and drugs have a bigger impact on an injured brain when compared to a healthy one.
This worsening in physical condition can set back any steps made in rehabilitation. If you know a TBI victim who is having a difficult time in rehabilitation or in dealing with the realities of their injury, ask others to help you get him or her the help they need.
Speak to one of our personal injury attorneys if someone is responsible for causing harm to your loved one. One of our experienced attorneys is waiting to help you.