Are Doctors Recommending That Women Get Their Allergan Breast Implants Removed?

The information has come out over the last few years that links textured breast implants manufactured by Allergan to cancer. In many cases, the women who get these implants have done so after having major reconstructive surgery due to breast cancer treatment. Now, they are faced with the prospect of having potentially cancer-causing implants. At […]

Allergan Breast Implants Are Destroying Lives

Allergan textured breast implants are no longer being sold or implanted into women’s bodies after the discovery that they have a higher risk of causing cancer than other types of implants. However, many women who already have these implants are suffering. While breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is considered rare, that does not […]

Florida Couple Sues Cruise Line Over Handling of Coronavirus

As fears of Covid-19 sweep across the United States, it is easy to forget just how quickly coronavirus has rearranged our daily lives. It seems like the distant past that we were talking about this virus starting in Wuhan, China. At Colson Hicks Eidson, our award-winning cruise ship negligence attorneys want to discuss a lawsuit […]

What Do Doctors Know About BIA-ALCL, The Cancer Caused By Allergan Breast Implants?

Textured breast implants manufactured by Allergan have faced recalls due to the increased risk that they can cause breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). While this type of cancer is classified as being “rare,” it is still vital that oncologists and surgeons understand the symptoms and how this disease should be treated. At Colson […]

Is Amazon Allowing Unsafe Toys To Be Sold?

Many millions of Americans purchase products through Amazon. Over the next few months, more and more people in this country may take advantage of online shopping due to the outbreak of Covid-19. However, the nationally recognized product liability law firm Colson Hicks Eidson wants to discuss the news that Amazon may not be ensuring the […]

Zantac Recalls Could Lead To Improved Testing

When you buy medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, you should never have to worry about impurities when you are taking it. Most Americans take for granted that their medications will be safe to use. However, as we have learned due to recent medication recalls, sometimes potentially cancer-causing impurities make it into commercially available drug products. […]

Understanding BIA-ALCL – The Cancer At The Center Of The Allergan Lawsuits

Women who have gotten breast implants should never have to worry about whether the implant will cause them harm. These medical devices should be safe. Unfortunately, we now know that textured breast implants, particularly those manufactured by Allergan, can lead to cancer. Here, the award-winning team from Colson Hicks Eidson wants to discuss breast implant-associated […]

More Ikea Furniture Recalled Because It Tips Over

You may recall earlier this year Swedish retailer, Ikea, agreed to pay $46 million to the parents of a 2-year-old boy killed by an Ikea Malm dresser that tipped over. Here, the product liability attorneys at Colson Hicks Eidson want to discuss some of the basics of that case as well as a new recall […]

Is This Popular Diabetes Medication Causing Cancer?

The last thing any diabetic needs to worry about is whether or not their medications will cause them more harm than good. Millions of people in the United States take metformin each day. However, testing from an independent pharmacy has indicated that this drug may contain high levels of a cancer-causing carcinogen. At Colson Hicks […]

What Is Ranitidine, The Drug At The Center Of The Zantac Lawsuits?

Many people may have heard about the recalls pertaining to Zantac, the popular heartburn medication taken by millions of people in the US. What they may not understand is exactly why the recall has occurred. Here, the nationally recognized firm, Colson Hicks Eidson, wants to discuss ranitidine, the medication at the center of the newly […]