3 Mistakes to Avoid After Filing a Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident in Florida, depending on the circumstances, you may be able to recover compensation for various losses, such as your medical bills, lost wages, and more. A Florida personal injury attorney can review your case and let you know whether you should file a claim or lawsuit to seek […]

How Much Does a Miami Personal Injury Attorney Charge?

Have you been injured in a car accident or similar incident resulting from someone else’s negligence in Miami, Florida? Although this will hopefully never happen, you need to be familiar with your legal options if it does. There is a good chance that you can pursue compensation for your medical bills and other such losses […]

Colson Hicks Eidson partner Stephanie Casey installed by Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga as President of the South Florida Chapter of the Federal Bar Association

On October 20, 2021, Colson Hicks Eidson partner Stephanie Casey was installed by Chief Judge Cecilia Altonaga as President of the South Florida Chapter of the Federal Bar Association. The Federal Bar Association is dedicated to promoting the welfare, interests, education, and professional development of all attorneys involved in federal law. Stephanie will serve a […]

Plane Crash Captured By Doorbell Cam

The doorbell camera shows a porch in a Miami residential area. The video has a clear shot down a street, beside the house. Cars drive by, and like a flash, the single-engine plane swoops into the frame and crashes into a car. Flames burst across the street as the plane skids off the screen. In […]

E-Scooter Rentals Accelerate And So Do Accidents

It only takes a minute and a smartphone to rent one of the thousands of electric scooters stationed all around the bustling streets in South Florida’s cities. E-scooter pilot programs started back in 2015, seeing a large increase in 2018, and now have risen to encompass about 7,000 riders per day, generating millions of dollars […]

Lawsuits Link Elmiron To Eye Disorders

We have all seen the prescription drug commercials that end with a rapid-fire list of side effects that often seem to outweigh the benefits. Prescription drugs can be a tricky situation—helping certain parts of your body while hurting others. Occasionally, patients are not even aware of these side effects until it is too late. This […]

A Brief History Of The Zantac Recall

In September 2019, a Connecticut pharmacy notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that it had found the cancer-causing chemical N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in their Zantac inventories and its generic form, ranitidine. Sanofi, Zantac’s brand-name manufacturer, and 14 generic manufacturers recalled the medication in the United States. Pharmacies like CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Walmart […]

A Former Royal Caribbean Employee Keeps Major Trial Victory Over Crushed Hand Case

In 2008, Lisa Spearman was working as a marketing and revenue manager onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, Voyager of the Seas, when she suffered a horrendous accident during a safety drill. Spearman saw a nurse who had just returned from shore during the safety drill manually override Bridge Control to open one of the […]

FDA Warns of Recent Catastrophic Drug Errors

As science and medicine advances, new drugs and medications are developed every day to improve lives. AIDs drugs have come a long way since the 80s, allowing patients to live longer than they ever thought possible. Arthritis medications aim to help sufferers do more day-to-day activities that were near impossible twenty years ago. Even surgery […]