How Does the FDA Handle Prescription Drug Recalls?

When you turn on the TV at night, chances are you will see one or more commercials discussing the recall of a prescription drug. While most people may ignore these commercials, the reality is that prescription drug recalls are not uncommon. However, many people are unaware of the actual drug recall process. It is important […]

Are Cruise Ships Liable For Injuries Like Property Owners?

Most people understand that property owners and operators are responsible for ensuring the safety of those who have a right to be on their premises. If they fail to take steps to prevent or remedy hazards, they could be held liable for any injuries that occur. However, what about cruise ship owners and operators? Can […]

Tips for Avoiding Defective Toys for Children

Nobody should ever have to worry about whether or not the toys they buy will cause their children harm. Unfortunately, defective toys are not uncommon. A quick look at the recall website maintained by the government will show that dozens of toys are recalled each year. Data available from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)shows […]

Pool Drownings – A Tragedy, But Who is Responsible?

Pools can be incredibly fun for adults and children, so long as proper safety measures are adhered to. Unfortunately, there are times when tragedy strikes and drownings occur in pools or hot tubs. This is something that residents throughout Florida and other tourist destinations are familiar with. In many cases, pool drownings are nobody’s fault. […]

Where Do National Elmiron Cases Stand Today?

Elmiron is a medication used to treat interstitial cystitis, commonly referred to as painful bladder syndrome. Elmiron, or pentosan polysulfate, is the only FDA-approved medication to treat this condition. However, studies have shown that this medication can cause irreversible damage to the eyes caused by a condition called pigmentary maculopathy. At Colson Hicks Eidson, our […]

Do All Florida Truck Accidents Have To Be Reported?

The last thing that any driver wants to think about when they are on the roadways in Florida is that they may be involved in an accident with a large commercial truck. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), these vehicles can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds and reach lengths of 75 […]

Couple Sues Cruise Line For Volcano Eruption Burn Injuries

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a damper on most people’s ability to enjoy a cruise. As was evidenced early during this pandemic, cruise ships are not the safest place to be when there is a highly infectious disease affecting the population. However, you can be sure that cruise ship operations will begin to return to […]

Amazon Product Liability Case Heading To PA Supreme Court

Debates over whether or not Amazon could or should be held liable for defective products sold through their platform have raged for more than a decade. In general, most manufacturers and retailers can be held liable if they sell a defective product that causes harm to a consumer. However, Amazon has long held that they […]

The Dangers of Pentosan (Elmiron) Eye Disease

If you or someone you love has been taking Pentosan Polysulfate Sodium, commonly referred to by the brand name Elmiron, then you could be at serious risk of eye disease. The nationally-recognized firm Colson Hicks Eidson is now taking clients affected by Elmiron across the country. We have vast experience handling cases against major corporations […]

General Motors Recalls 3.4 Million Vehicles

You should always be able to count on your vehicle being safe when you get behind the wheel. However, over the last few years, we have been inundated with news of vehicle recalls. At Colson Hicks Eidson, we understand these cases and are nationally recognized for our work in product liability law. If you or […]