We work hard to obtain justice on behalf of clients injured, physically or financially, by negligent doctors, lawyers and other professionals.
Our professional malpractice lawyers in Florida, are pioneers in the field of professional malpractice. In fact, we were the first law firm to earn a medical malpractice award above $1 million in the United States. At the time, this was also the largest award for a Federal Tort Claims Act case involving medical negligence.
We are dedicated to representing clients who deserve compensation for their injuries and pursuing justice for professional negligence. We have a successful record with cases involving medical, legal, financial and other professional negligence. Additionally, our malpractice lawyers in Florida have both prosecuted and defended legal and accounting professionals in nationwide professional malpractice cases.
Our firm handles major medical malpractice cases, including:
We have access to the most respected medical experts in the country and abroad, and have secured multiple multimillion-dollar hospital and physician negligence verdicts and settlements for our clients.