Your Checking Account Has an Available Balance of…

Overdraft fees – they are the absolute worst. Who hasn’t checked their checking account balance online and felt that knot in the stomach as you wait for the screen to refresh, hoping to not see a (-) in front of your balance? In addition, to add insult to financial injury, the bank adds on an […]

He Never Saw it Coming: Airplane Kills Jogger on the Beach

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) attributes a freak accident that took a Georgia man’s life to an airplane’s damaged crankshaft. The damaged part caused the pilot to make an emergency landing on Hilton Head Island last year and land on top of a man jogging on the beach. In a story at, a […]

How Much is $1 Billion? Ask Johnson & Johnson and DePuy

It is going to take a whole lot of money for Johnson & Johnson to defend the product liability actions stemming from the DePuy hip replacement system. How much? About $1 billion according to How much is one billion, you ask? If you counted to one billion at one number every second, it would […]

Got an iPhone? Apple Probably Knows Where You are Right Now

First Facebook knew everything about you, and now Apple knows everywhere you go if you have an iPhone. That is because the arguably too-smart-for-its-own-good phone records your location and users are a little creeped out by it. Therefore, class action lawsuits against Apple have popped-up in Puerto Rico, Florida and Missouri. Ipads also use the […]