Colson Hicks Eidson associate Latoya Brown has distinguished herself as an exceptional litigator at our firm. She graduated at the top of her class, magna cum laude, from Florida International University (FIU) and worked as a legal intern for the Securities & Exchange Commission. Now Latoya has earned a special distinction in Miami-Dade County.
The 2013 graduate of FIU has been voted as one of the Directors of Group 1 in the Dade County Bar Association (DCBA). She is now a part of the largest voluntary bar association in Florida and will be the voice of diversity in her new role with the association. She says that she wishes to promote minority engagement in the study of law “by providing more diverse programming,” which will “ensure that Miami-Dade County’s diverse legal community is well-represented.”
The DCBA is dedicated to supporting its members and the public by providing free legal assistance, teaching legal rights, and helping people find qualified lawyers. They help to protect the judicial system from legislative bodies, and help lawyers in Dade County network and grow their practices. Having Latoya Brown as a director will undoubtedly add to the DCBA’s diverse voice and ability to serve all the citizens of our community.
Colson Hicks Eidson—Injury Attorneys