Although not for someone with a fear of heights, parasailing can be extremely fun, but a lack of regulation over parasail operators has caused tragedy in the past. There are numerous reports of injuries occurring when the tow rope snaps and leaves the person in the parasail at the mercy of the wind. Without a way to control the parasail, it crashes to the ground. Accident reports show people crashing into buildings, electrical lines and parking lots.
Coast guard regulations apply to the boat towing the vehicle, but not to the parasail company. In an effort to make money, some companies take riders out in extremely windy conditions or in choppy waters. Without regulation at the local, state or federal level, riders have suffered injuries and death from the following:
- Drowning
- Falls
- Parachute failure
- Harness failure
- Boat failure
Official numbers on parasailing injuries and deaths are difficult for officials to confirm. However, one estimate is that approximately 325 people have suffered injuries or death between 1980 and 2010 in parasailing accidents. In that time period, 15 of those deaths occurred in Florida.
Have you suffered an injury from parasailing?
Colson Hicks Eidson – Florida injury attorneys