If you are in a car accident, it is important to remain calm and contact the authorities immediately. However, staying safe after a crash can be just as important as contacting help or helping others.
On July 30th, a 31-year-old man and his passenger were driving down Pine Island Road when the man lost control of his pickup truck. The vehicle slammed into a light post, ejected the passenger, and came to rest in the middle of the road. Not knowing the fate of his passenger, or the extent of his own injuries, the man crawled out of the window to his truck. Moments later, a car hit the 31-year-old and left the scene.
The passenger, a 37-year-old woman, died on the scene, and the pickup’s driver died on the way to the hospital. Police are now searching for answers and a white two-door vehicle with damage on its right side.
How Do I Stay Safe After An Accident?
“The biggest thing for everybody to remember is that when you’re involved in an accident, the worst thing you can do is get out in the middle of a highway,” says Plantation Fire Chief Joel Gordon. “If you are gonna exit the vehicle, exit and leave the roadway immediately, but the most important thing is to stay in the vehicle, stay safe there until help can arrive.”
It is important to remember that hit and runs happen to more than just pedestrians and bicyclists. So we all need to keep an eye out, whether we are the victim of a crash, or we simply see it happen. To report such an accident, you can call the Broward County Crime Stoppers, and don’t forget that there are other ways to fight hit and run accidents. Hold these negligent and sometimes drunk drivers accountable, and call a lawyer if you get injured.
Colson Hicks Eidson — Personal Injury Attorneys