Plaintiffs in New Jersey filed an Application for Mass Tort Designation in connection with the Alloderm skin graft hernia patch linked to patient infections, abscesses and other harmful side effects. There are twenty-five Alloderm lawsuits in New Jersey and more complaints are expected. The plaintiffs claim that the maker of Alloderm, LifeCell, designed a defective product and failed to warn patients of potential problems.
Alloderm is a skin graft taken from cadavers used in hernia repairs, breast reconstruction and treatment of burn injuries. Some of the plaintiffs allege that the defendant did not inform them of the nature of the product until after doctors implanted it.
Patients report suffering infections, bruising, swelling, recurrence of hernias and hernia mesh problems. Some patients required additional surgeries to replace or repair the Alloderm grafts.
The mass tort designation would centralize all the Alloderm cases for pretrial proceedings, which would avoid duplicate discovery. The plaintiffs’ claims would remain individual lawsuits and allow the court to decide damages individually.
Contact a Florida injury attorney if you or a loved one suffers injuries from a dangerous or defective product. A skilled Florida lawyer is always prepared to speak with you in a professional and confidential setting about your potential claim.