If your computer monitor at work exposed you to an often-fatal disease day-after-day and your employer failed to warn you, would you be mad enough to sue? A jury in New York recently awarded $2.5 million to a former chemist at Ford Motor Company who claimed a machine he used at work exposed him to deadly asbestos fibers. He now suffers from mesothelioma, according to aboutlawsuits.com.
While employed at Ford in the 1980’s, the plaintiff used a machine made by Ford to grind materials used in brakes. The machine exposed him to asbestos fibers and Ford did not warn him of the danger, despite Ford knowing that some of their workers suffered asbestos exposure since the early 1970’s.
The awful aspect of mesothelioma is that someone could go for decades before discovering that he or she has the deadly lung cancer. Its symptoms can be mistaken for other illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Unfortunately, by the time a doctor diagnoses a patient with mesothelioma it can be too late, and the patient’s life expectancy is often short.
Early detection is crucial for mesothelioma patients. If you or a loved one experiences chest pain, persistent coughing, hoarseness, fever, weight loss, fatigue or difficulty swallowing, go see a doctor. Get a second opinion if you are unsure.
Colson Hicks Eidson – Florida injury attorneys