Researchers at Wayne State University School of Medicine tested a new drug aimed at stopping the harmful effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Tested on rats, the new drug shows promise and gives hope for a possible cure in the future for sufferers of TBI. The researchers presented their findings in April at the American Academy of Neurology’s 64th Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
Currently, there is no cure for TBI. Doctors emphasize rehabilitation and readjustment for TBI victims with permanent injuries. In a TBI, there is decreased blood flow in the cerebrum of the brain. If prolonged the decreased blood flow can lead to brain damage and death, in some cases. There is a receptor in the brain that restricts blood flow, and it begins blocking as early as four hours after a head injury. The new drug reportedly blocks the receptors and allows the blood to flow.
In the tests on lab rats, the drug worked best when administered two hours after the injury and again at 24-hours after the injury. One researcher commented that the experiments are the basis for future clinical trials for the new drug and TBI treatment.
Has a brain injury or head trauma affected the life of you or a loved one?