Next week is the Fourth of July and you might be planning a trip to watch a fireworks display in your neighborhood. This would be the best choice because the displays conducted by professionals under the close supervision of firefighters are the safest and most enjoyable for everyone. Unfortunately, some people attempt to celebrate the holiday by lighting fireworks in their backyard. While some fireworks appear safe, they are responsible for thousands of injuries every year.
In 2010, hospitals treated over 8,500 people for fireworks-related injuries. Of those injuries, 73 percent occurred between June 18 and July 18, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Seemingly harmless fireworks such as bottle rockets have caused eye injuries and blindness. Sparklers burn at 2,000 Fahrenheit and can easily ignite clothing. Firecrackers, such as Black Cats, can explode quickly and injure hands and fingers.
In Florida, possession or use of illegal fireworks is a misdemeanor. The corresponding fine is up to $1000.00 with the added possibility of a maximum of 1 year in jail. Without a special permit, almost all types of fireworks are illegal in Florida. The only fireworks that are legal fall into the “sparklers” category, which consists of sparklers, fountains, snakes and glows worms. While these types may not present a brilliant visual display, they also lack gun powder and deafening explosions.
If someone is careless with fireworks and injures you or someone you know, contact our office and one of our personal injury lawyers can help.