Florida Will Receive $40 Million in Settlement with McKinsey & Company

Florida is among the states suing McKinsey & Company for their part in the opioid epidemic that has plagued the US for decades. The US has reported 67,367 drug overdose deaths in the latest reporting year. Nearly 70% of all overdose deaths were opioid-related. The epidemic has reached critical numbers in the last few years, […]

What The Recent Allergan Breast Implant Recall Means For You And Your Family?

Plastic Surgery is a personal journey people choose to take because they want to attain a better version of themselves. Like any surgery, it has its risks, such as adverse reactions or, usually uncommon, death. Most people don’t realize that if your plastic surgery requires some implant, the danger may lie in that implant. Our […]

Miami Put it Down Campaign to Reduce Distracted Driving

Technology increases our ability to protect our privacy, speed up production, entertain, and drive our cars. Technology requires innovation and creativity. It also takes time. Just because the technology is out there doesn’t mean it will be accessible to everyone, unlike Cell phones, which are now an extension of our arms. We can’t go anywhere […]

New Findings See Cancer-Causing Carcinogens Increasing in our Medication

Scary thought. We rely on our doctors to recommend the right medication for our ailments. We rely on the FDA to ensure the safety of our medication. However, new evidence suggests that drugs can change and produce N-nitrosodimethylamine, NDMA, a probable carcinogen despite safety measures. Drugs previously thought safe are now being linked to cancer. […]

Allergan’s Recall Leads to More Disturbing Findings for Textured Implants

In the wake of Allergan’s recall of their textured breast implants, new research is emerging that textured implants may be linked to breast cancer recurrence and worse breast cancer outcomes. According to JAMA Surgery, a medical journal, a “statistically significant association” is shown using textured implants. I want to be clear; this is separate data […]

Why is the Dept. of Justice Investigating Zantac Maker?

Zantac and generic forms of this medication, both prescription and over the counter, have faced significant recalls over the last year. Now, The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is investigating two Zantac manufacturers. The DOJ is attempting to determine whether or not the drug manufacturers violated federal laws while selling the medication. Here, we want […]

Allergan Refuses To Pay For Breast Implant Removal Surgery

The last thing that any woman expects when she receives breast implants is that the implants will cause an injury or illness. However, for many women who have had breast implants manufactured by Allergan, this nightmare has become a reality. Over the last few years, it has become clear that textured breast implants manufactured by […]

Zantac Linked To Cause Cancer

Heartburn is a tragedy. It creeps up on you and then hits like a freight train. Typically people know what triggers their heartburn, but you have to learn the hard way—by eating something you love and then feeling the after-effects. When you google heartburn relief, you will find drugs like Nexium, Pepcid, or Prilosec. What […]

Big Pharma Gets It Wrong

When we visit the doctor, we depend on the medical community to give us answers we can trust. We use our doctor’s judgment to make decisions about our health. However, due to the increasing amount of technology, drug companies take it upon themselves to market to the masses. They are allowed to do so, but […]