When we visit the doctor, we depend on the medical community to give us answers we can trust. We use our doctor’s judgment to make decisions about our health. However, due to the increasing amount of technology, drug companies take it upon themselves to market to the masses. They are allowed to do so, but only if the drug follows strict guidelines, including labeling if the drug has certain side effects. If you or a loved one is taking Pentosan, commonly called Elmiron, then you or they may be at risk for eye disease. Our knowledgeable Elmiron attorneys at Colson Hicks Eidson in Miami are here to help you obtain compensation.
Drug Companies Owe You
Big pharmaceutical companies are scary. They have a range of political influence, a swarth of attorneys, and lots of money. What the attorneys at Colson Hicks Eidson have on their side is the truth. The truth is that drug companies are expected to tell you all the significant risks when taking their drug. Unfortunately, patients who take prescribed medication are not always told the truth. Our job is not only to ensure that these drug companies and manufacturers are held to a high standard, but we will get you the compensation you deserve for their mistake.
What Is Pentason (Elmiron)?
Pentason, or better known in the market as Elmiron, is a drug made in 1996. It was praised for alleviating pain caused by the bladder, better known as interstitial cystitis (IC). The drug has helped those who suffer from such pain and has sales of over $150 million a year. Studies show that roughly 1 in 4 million men and 3 to 8 million women in the US currently suffer from IC.
Even though there is a range of symptoms, the most common symptoms are pain during urination, urinary urgency, pelvic floor muscle pain, and pain during or after sexual intercourse. You can imagine that the drug was a big welcome and reprieve from such pain for those with higher pain. However, the drug companies are responsible for warning people what is going into their bodies and any adverse reactions.
What Is Pigmentary Maculopathy?
Pigmentary maculopathy is a type of maculopathy directly linked to ingesting Pentason. Maculopathy is a progressive disease that results in vision loss in both eyes usually. The disease attacks the macula, which is the part of the eye which controls your ability to read, see fine details, recognize faces and colors, and focus central vision.
Losing your vision is a big risk factor. The company has the responsibility of telling you everything that can or could happen. Even though the company is writing this risk on labels now, it does not mean that you may not be entitled to some just compensation.
How Can We Help?
We are in the business of representing injured parties. We understand that big pharma has its interest in curing people, but we must hold them to the strictest standards. If you took or are taking Elmiron, please contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at 305-476-7442.