A bizarre and deadly teenage stunt known as “car surfing” took the lives of two Florida teens this past February. After an investigation, police arrested the 19-year-old driver in November in connection with the deadly car crash that resulted in a vehicle bursting into flames in Volusia County.
In a story at news-journalonline.com, the suspect was driving the SUV at nearly 80 mph on a dirt road while one of the victims held onto the outside of the vehicle. The driver lost control of the car and the victim fell off the car and landed in a ditch. He later died at the hospital. The SUV then flipped and burst into flames, according to police. The driver and another passenger made it to safety, but another teenage passenger was not so fortunate. He died inside the SUV.
In a strange twist to the story, the teens recorded their stunt on a cell phone video camera. The footage helped investigators in determining the causes of death and led to the arrest of the driver. If convicted, the 19-year-old could spend up to 15 years on prison.
Teenagers do not always use their best judgment, but it is always tragic when someone loses their life at such a young age. We hope the families of the victims receive some piece of mind from the arrest.
Is this the first time you have heard of car surfing?
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