Lawmakers expect Florida Governor Rick Scott to sign a bill that would make it more difficult for injured plaintiffs to win product liability damages in lawsuits against automakers and manufacturers of defective products. Under the proposed law, juries would have to consider the fault of all persons who contributed to a car accident when deciding damages in the products liability action.
The bill passed in the House with an 80-35 vote, and it previously cleared the Senate. In what some call a win for the auto industry over consumer’s rights, the bill overturns a 2001 Florida Supreme Court decision that held evidence of driver error or impaired driving is not admissible in product liability cases.
Opponents argued that the law will shift medical costs for victims of defective products to taxpayers and away from auto manufacturers. They cited Ford Motor Company’s campaign contributions to Republican lawmakers as assurance that the bill would pass into law.
An experienced Florida injury lawyer can help you recover fair compensation for your car accident injuries in a number of circumstances. Contact a Florida injury attorney for more information about damages in car accident cases.