It is difficult, but not impossible to hold a rideshare company liable for incurred injuries or damages. Rideshare companies consider their drivers partners, or independent contractors, rather than employees. Generally, this is meant to limit their liability. However, some courts have viewed these companies, like Uber or Lyft, as employers, who have more control over their drivers than they claim.
The governor of Florida signed a bill last summer that unified certain regulations among rideshare companies operating in Florida.
For example, in concern to insurance, the law requires that each company carry $100,000 for bodily injury and death, $25,000 for property damage if the driver is logged into the app but without a passenger and $1 million if the driver does have a passenger in the car. Usually, this money will cover injuries and damages. However, sometimes rideshare companies can be held liable beyond insurance coverage.
The law requires each rideshare company to perform background checks on every driver. If it can be proved that the rideshare company did not do a thorough background check on their driver to ensure passenger safety, then the company could be liable for negligence. Rideshare companies are also responsible for keeping up to date on their drivers’ behaviors. Has their driver recently received a traffic violation while on the job? Have they been arrested for a DUI? These are scenarios in which a driver should be suspended or barred from working for the rideshare company. Unfortunately, some dangerous drivers are overlooked.
If you have been injured in a ridesharing accident, seek medical attention. Then, contact a personal injury attorney who has experience with ridesharing accidents as soon as possible. The attorneys at Colson Hicks Eidson have over 40 years of experience representing our clients in personal injury cases. To schedule a free consultation, call us at 305-476-7400 or contact us online.