Riders on a MetroAccess bus in the District of Columbia fear that a bus driver with tuberculosis exposed them to the disease for several months in 2008. Last week, those riders filed a class action lawsuit against the Metro and one of its contractors. The MetroAccess gives rides to people who are unable to ride on Metrobus and Metrorail in the DC area.
According to the plaintiffs’ class action lawyer, there are approximately 700 potential plaintiffs in the lawsuit. So far, three of the plaintiffs tested positive for tuberculosis exposure. Metro officials discovered the driver’s condition back in 2008 and sent a letter to 762 riders about the driver. The letter notified the riders that Metro provided their names to the DC Tuberculosis Control Program.
Health departments in DC, Maryland and Virginia also contacted the riders who they felt needed tuberculosis evaluation. Those riders affected rode the bus from April to October in 2008. Metro sent the letter on November 2008. The driver in question did not provide service once doctors diagnosed him with tuberculosis.
The plaintiffs’ lawyer said that not all affected riders received the letter from Metro. The class action attorney said Metro could have made more of an effort in notifying riders.
Colson Hicks Eidson – Florida class action attorneys