As we previously blogged before, the Veterans Administration (VA) has been having serious issues with their employees being severely negligent in the care of their patients, resulting in over three dozen veteran deaths.

According to CNN, more injustices at several other VA facilities have been uncovered. Two VA Medical Center employees in Durham, North Carolina have been placed on administrative leave due to “inappropriate scheduling practices,” according to a statement released by the Department of Veteran Affairs.
VA Secretary Eric Shinseki has ordered an audit at all VA clinics, following months of reports about US veterans who have died while waiting for treatment.
“VA takes any allegations about patient care or employee misconduct very seriously. If the allegations are true, the inappropriate behavior is unacceptable and employees will be held accountable,” the VA said in a press statement.
The VA’s official policy is that all patients should be able to see a doctor, dentist or any other medical professional within 14 days of their requested date; if a patient waits longer than two weeks, it is supposed to be documented. However, many advocates say that veterans end up waiting sometimes over a year for appointments, and these delays are never being reported.
The North Carolina facility is the fourth hospital accused of manipulating health care appointments. A San Antonio VA employee stated that clerks scheduling medical appointments for veterans were hiding the fact that some patients had to wait weeks and sometimes months for appointments. A VA scheduler in Fort Collins, Colorado said employees were told to manipulate the system.
I am a Veteran Who Has Been Mistreated by the VA. Who Can Help Me?
It is disturbing that a government agency would turn their backs on the health of the brave men and women who fought for our freedom. If you are a veteran that has been neglected by the VA, contact us today for a free consultation.
Colson Hicks Eidson – Injury Attorneys