The coronavirus pandemic is crippling the nation, and the effects of this disease will be long-lasting. We salute the brave medical workers putting their lives on the line to help others. Unfortunately, there have been many products popping up that tout false claims about preventing, treating, and curing coronavirus. At Colson Hicks Eidson, our nationally-recognized product liability attorneys want to discuss this development and what you can do if you are harmed by a defective product.
What Are Federal Regulators Worried About?
It seems like anytime there is a major national emergency, there are people who will try to fraudulently try to profit from the situation. Now, federal regulators are warning consumers to be wary of anyone or any company that makes claims about treating coronavirus.
As an example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has to issue a warning to televangelist Jim Bakker. According to regulators, Bakker was trying to sell a product called Silver Solution that he said was a remedy for coronavirus. He began to do this in mid-February. Bakker and guests on his show said that the Silver Solution would cure coronavirus within 12 hours.
The FDA and FTC issued a statement warning Bakker and others selling similar products that the claims they were making “are not supported by competent and reliable scientific evidence. You must immediately cease making all such claims.”
As of the most recent update, Silver Solution remains for sale on Bakker’s website, and it can cost up to $300. Bakker and his TV show did not respond to any requests for comments to the media.
As coronavirus gets worse, everyone in the US should be tuned into the advice given by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is vital that we take any “shelter in place” orders seriously and practice social distancing as requested by a health and government officials. The coronavirus, which becomes COVID-19, can be particularly devastating for several high-risk groups, including those over the age of 60 as well as those with certain chronic health conditions (diabetes, heart disease, lung diseases, and weakened immune systems. By listening to health officials as opposed to those looking to make a quick profit, we are taking steps to keep everyone healthy.
Let Us Get To Work On Your Case
If you or somebody you care about has been harmed due to a faulty product that touted false coronavirus claims, seeks legal assistance today. At Colson Hicks Eidson, our award-winning attorneys have vast experience helping clients who have been harmed due to false marketing practices by companies. We will work to secure the compensation you are entitled to. This could include:
- Coverage of your medical expenses
- Recovery of lost wages if you are unable
- Pain and suffering damages
- Loss of enjoyment of life damages
- Punitive damages against the company or manufacturer responsible
When you need a product liability lawyer In Florida or throughout the United States, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or by calling us at 305-476-7400.