Oil from the BP disaster has killed pelicans, dolphins, sea turtles, fish and oysters. The spill has caused deformities in killifish, crabs and shrimp. Cleanup workers have developed wheezing and coughing, and balls of tar are still being found all over the Gulf Coast. These are just a few of the problems caused by the deadly explosion at the Deepwater Horizons rig, and some are questioning if the $18.7 million settlement will really help fix these problems.
What Will The Settlement Money Be Used For?
Parts of Florida’s share of the gigantic BP settlement are already allocated. Restoration projects to start a ferry service, create a boardwalk, build a boat ramp and erect solar-powered lights on a fishing pier have been approved. They hope to restore tourist access and traffic, but very little has been said about other projects.
“We have serious concerns about how much of this money is actually going to be allocated towards restoring the gulf’s environment and impacted communities,” says a member of the Gulf Restoration Network.
Will The BP Settlement Be Enough?
The oil slick created by the original incident was large enough to be seen from space. Oil balls have washed up on shores between south Texas and south Florida. People have even found oil on the ocean floor and in trenches. Fixing these damages may prove to be the most costly, and will take years, but as long as people are searching for the solutions, hope remains that the Gulf of Mexico will be restored to its former condition.
The plaintiffs of this lawsuit will be collecting from BP for the next 18 years but this is only one example of how lawsuits can help force large companies to make a positive change. To learn more about how litigation can help solve problems across many industries, check out our class action page, and keep following our blog, Facebook, and Twitter for even more legal news.
Colson Hicks Eidson—Injury Attorneys